20 October 2010

War Eagle

This past weekend, my lovely girlfriend and myself decided to take in some of the local sights and events, so we attended the War Eagle Fair on Saturday. The event itself is actually less of a regular fair and more about arts, crafts, and people peddling overpriced homemade stuff. We had been informed of the event by some people at my work and then some others here in the MBA program, they told me it was going to be big, but I had no idea how big it actually is.

We left the apartment around 9:30 on Saturday, made a quick stop by the farmers market in Fay-town to peruse the fruits and veggies, then we were off to War Eagle (which is apparently a very small city/mill/stream in addition to a yearly crafts fair). We then spent the next two hours in traffic waiting to park at the fair, it was a flippin' zoo! After we finally parked, we strolled through the various booths. My general rule of thumb after being there, the small stuff is overpriced, the big stuff is priced right/comparatively under-priced, I'm not sure if there's some kind of economic principle here or not, if I can think of something I'll try to post about it. We didn't get much beyond the expected and typical fried food and kettle corn, but the one thing we did get that I really liked was a small silver ring for the Novia (girlfriend in Spanish) at a booth with antiques. My guess (actually wishful desire) is that the ring was cherished by some sweet old lady for many years, she passed away, the vendor picked it up at an estate sale, and now we have it, and we can start the cycle over again. It might not be the case, but I can hope. My conclusion about War Eagle, it's pretty cool, but leave early, like really early.

After the Fair, we went back to the apartment and watched the Razorbacks get absolutely hosed by the officials. On the bright side, thanks to the generosity of a local optometrist, SEC teams should be spared from future officiating blunders. The Razorbacks game wasn't the only officiating problem in the SEC this weekend, check out this video and see if you laugh as much as I did.

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