07 September 2010

Hello Again

Alright, so it’s been a while since I’ve posted, too long in fact. With the amazing sense of humor the Eternal Almighty has, I seem to have been dealt the perfect time to remedy this problem. Currently, I am sitting in a wi-fi-less Wendy’s waiting for my ride to come rescue me from this technological backwater. You see, I’ve had a spot of car trouble this afternoon, hence the perfect blogging time. (and before we actually get underway, just one quick question for both of my readers, what were laptops used for prior to wireless internet?)

Anyways, I’ve been planning to post an assignment from my management class because I thought my writing was pretty smart, but I’ll start back blogging with something a little lighter, a weekend recap!! This weekend was awesome, fun, and fortunately long thanks to Labor Day.

My weekend got underway Thursday with a “team training” event in Branson with the company I intern for. We stayed at the Chateau on the Lake and participated in such well-known events as “The Wal*Mart Pivot” and the “blind-folded move the ball with a ring and strings game”. Anyways, as skeptical as I am of most of this corporate team building hullaballoo it was actually quite interesting and we learned how to interpret most anything through the value system the company has laid out. The real fun however, began after dinner when we went to the hospitality room, and as much as I would love to post about the debauchery that took place there, if I did I think Rebel (GSB admin director) would have my head. If there’s a big outcry for it from my reader then I’ll post it, cuz I do what I want!!!! Anyway, this little fella here was our mascot: (we were the yellow team)

After the crazed Thursday evening I woke up at 4:30 on Friday so I could be back in Fayetteville by 9:30 for my summer internship presentation. I thought my presentation went really well, but apparently it didn’t go well enough because I lost my flight. My roommate won the flight I was in, which is kind of odd because he and he and he .(I sure hope he doesn’t read this) But I did get some good news when I got my scores back this morning, the judges had mainly positive things to say about my presentation and suggested I look into efficiency consulting based on what I said in the presentation, so I think I will.

Friday evening was completely devoted to getting ready for Saturday, and like most autumn Saturdays in the south, there was only one thing on the mind. . . FOOTBALL!! My roommate (the one libeled above) acquired a parking pass a pretty decent lot so we could tailgate, and tailgate we did, we grilled, threw the pigskin and imbibed! It was my first taste of SEC football and only served to whet my appetite for more, the next more is Alabama in a few weeks, which should be a great game if our defense continues playing well. My girlfriend took this picture while we were tailgating, the large blob in the trailer is apparently the same speedy razorback seen on the side of the truck:

The rest of my weekend was spend recuperating on the farm in Oklahoma, and I could probably still do some recuperating, but I’ll have to wait ‘til this weekend, fortunately it’s a short week. To my reader, I promise to blog again soon! No more three week intervals, I promise!

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