23 May 2012

Though Rusty, Still Going

So. . . it's been awhile since my last post and much has happened since then (1 April 2011 to be exact). My last post, the one so explicitly titled "China, You're About to Get Screwed" has yet to pass though I'm still hopeful, which seems terribly rude to state. And, they are getting screwed albeit on a small scale, April core-CPI +2.3%/annum, current 10-year T-Note +1.7%/annum. Enjoy that -0.6% real interest rate! Anyways, I rarely used the blog as a soapbox before and I don't intend to now. Big life changes since the post from 13 months ago, in rough chronological order:

1) Completed graduate school!
2) Completed many entrepreneurship competitions, some more successful than others (hint: I'm on the right).
3) Visited Israel, I think I may have mentioned this in the blog, but didn't write about it.
4) Got a job! A real, grown-up, adult, job.
5) Bought a house!
5a) Became landlord of item 5! (it was really that quick, it doesn't even get it's own separate number)
6) Got a dog! See pic at end of post, she's named Argos and might be the world's greatest animal, though she does shed
7) Moved to New Jersey. After eight short months working full-time in Bentonville, accepted new challenge in the most iconic metropolis in the world. This item's been a mixed bag, if you saw my house in Arkansas next to my "apartment" in New Jersey, you'd understand.
8) Went to Yellowstone with the fam! Aside from the my father imperiling my life by subjecting me to a thunder storm in the Tetons while atop a rolling aluminum lightning rod, great vacation.

As you can guess by the many exclamation points interspersed in the items above (hooray for textual emotion!), life has been moving pretty quick, has been full of excitement and I feel like I left a lot out. Going forward, I'm going to try to be serious about blogging. Upcoming events in the life of Brock, going to California on Monday for all-week meetings, be back  next Sunday.  Most importantly, reunited with the pup the week after! She's been completing a tour of duty on the family cattle farm; after all, she is an Australian Cattle Dog.